Toyota racking solution in coldstore at Döhler

High-density frozen food storing at Döhler thanks to Toyota’s shuttle racking

World-leading food producer Döhler needed a solution to store thousands of pallets with food in cold store. Toyota Material Handling therefore supplied a racking and shuttle solution that fit their cold store perfectly thanks to its efficient use of space.

About Döhler

Döhler is one of the world's leading producers, marketers and suppliers of natural ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions for the food and beverage industry. With a staff of 500 people on site in Tarczyn, they process fruit and vegetables and produce different kinds of concentrates, aromas and purees.

Fresh goods come directly from growers and are stored in frozen storage areas (between -20 and -24°C) for future production. The site stores 20,000 pallets of which almost 8000 pallets in cold store.


Facts & figures

  • Company: Döhler Sp. Z o.o.
  • Location: Tarczyn, Poland
  • Industry: Food
  • Applications: horizontal transport, stacking, storing
  • Racking: 5 Toyota Radioshuttles RS150 and shuttle racking
Racking solution

Efficient cold store solution

The pallets at Döhler used to be stored on the floor and in a drive-in installation. After approaching Toyota for a new drive-in racking system for their warehouse in Tarczyn, Döhler received an alternative proposal. The Radioshuttle solution from Toyota Material Handling is ideal for cold store as it uses the space effectively and can work together with standard forklift trucks. With fast access to the goods and optimisation of the shipment preparation process, Döhler is positive about the combined shuttle and cold store solution. "Toyota had the best comprehensive offer, and with their wide experience, they are a reliable partner for us," says Tomasz Jaszczyk, Warehouse and Supply Manager at Döhler.

Professional service

The warehouse floor was a challenge as it was not strong enough to carry the large pressure from the different levels of racking. Toyota therefore proposed to use special beams to get a bigger pressure surface on the floor to mount the racking on. Thanks to this solution Döhler was able to keep their needed number of storing levels and total warehouse capacity. "We recommend Toyota's professionalism, quick response time and flexibility," says Jaszczyk, Warehouse and Supply Manager. "We value their customer approach and we think this will be a fruitful long-term cooperation.”

Racking solutions

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