Beijer Byggmaterial AB is Sweden's largest wholly owned building trade chain with 110 building materials and tile stores all over Sweden. They supply both domestic and construction professionals with high-quality building materials, tools and services.
Beijer Bygg has always been at the forefront of its industry when it comes to sustainability and is constantly working to find smarter and more efficient solutions. Beijer aims for all diesel trucks at the company's branches to be replaced by 2023.
Електричните вилушкари се потивки од нивните сопарници со внатрешно согорување и немаат штетни емисии на гасови. Благодарение на нивните ниски барања за одржување, тие имаат ниски вкупни трошоци за сопственост додека обезбедуваат одлична ергономија. Електричните вилушкари имаат и низок центар на гравитација, што ни овозможува да ви понудиме широк опсег на носивост за да одговараат на лесни до тешки апликации.
Electric forklifts are very versatile and can be used in a wide variety of applications, both indoors and out. So, whether your operation deals in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, beverage, retail, or something else; you can go electric.
Yes, Toyota electric counterbalanced trucks are made to work inside as well as outside and can be equipped with different kinds of cabins and additional protection to suit outdoor conditions. These cabins can combat all environmental conditions: hot, cold, rainy…
Toyota electric forklifts have either lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries depending on your needs. They are also available with fuel cell energy as an alternative electric power source.
The initial purchase price of internal combustion trucks is lower than that of electric forklifts. The latter are, however, more cost-effective in the long run, as they have fewer moving parts and therefore don’t need much maintenance. Additionally, charging costs are also much lower than refuelling costs (gas or diesel).